Monday 19 June 2017

About Me

Hi Guys!

I am thirty which to me means I am now a 'proper' grown up! So I thought I would start a blog to reflect this time in my life and share my thoughts, experiences and advice with you.

Firstly this year is a big year for me. I am getting married to an amazing man who I have been with for 10 years when we get married. He is my best friend and he is my rock. I will be sharing plans for our wedding and tips and tricks with you.

I am also planning our Disney Honeymoon. I am a major Disney Fan and  have been since I was little.  Paul and I went to Disney World Florida back in 2013  with friends. This time it will be just us and there are  loads of new lands and attractions open for us to explore. I will be giving you lots of Disney related posts so watch out for those.

We have two dogs so if you like animals there will be a few posts for you too.

Make up and beauty are also really fun and interesting to me so I'll share tips and tricks on that too.

I really love to talk so please follow my blog  and chat in the box below.

Take care xx

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